Distribution of Rowett Name in the United States
Looks like the biggiest area for Rowletts is Arkansas, Kentucky and Tennessee (BOY there's a news flash!)
Each chart shows how our respective surnames were distributed in the United States in 1990. To read that chart know that each color represents a 1:? number. In other words....if the chart color is DARK BLUE the chart would read 1:10,000 people by that name in that area.
If the chart color is RED then the number is 1:100
Distribution of Colber Name in the United States
Looks like the most Colbers are in Georgia and Oklahoma!
Distribution of Brown Name in the United States
Looks like about 1:300 is the average across the United States for Browns!
Distribution of Manns Name in the United States
West Virginia, Ohio, and Indiana are where the most Manns are located